Demystifying Industry 4.0 for Small to Medium-Sized Business Through Design Thinking – A Leader’s Guide

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, June 13 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

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Location: Advanced Manufacturing Stage

Event Information

Title: Demystifying Industry 4.0 for Small to Medium-Sized Business Through Design Thinking – A Leader’s Guide

Type: Expo Education


Industry 4.0 can sometimes be seen as a “nice to have” in a small- or medium-sized company, if not a distraction. This presentation will provide practical examples of how to demonstrate the value of the digital transformation journey to peers and colleagues of all levels of your organization using design thinking as the guiding framework. Through this approach, smaller companies can realize tangible benefits in both culture and process through Industry 4.0 without spending months in design or having to bring in significant external support.

