Panel: Opportunities and Challenges of Recycled Plastics

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, June 14 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

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Event Location

Location: Packaging Theater

Event Information

Title: Panel: Opportunities and Challenges of Recycled Plastics

Type: Expo Education


Recycling of plastics is critical to saving our planet and to ensure a relatively clean environment especially with all the AV and EV vehicles coming out in the near future. Multiple level Manufacturing challenges of original equipment manufactring, their assembly, individual component manufacturing – metal and plastics and now increasing the recycled content of plastic material creates tremendous amount of challenges. In this paper, we review the importance and the various types of recycled plastics and how to design for recycling. Non-homogeneity of the recycled material leads to issues like inconsistency in viscosity which gives rise to quality issues. Moldex3D is able to measure the viscosity of few recycled compositions of recycled and virgin material blends and predict the viscosity for any combinations of the two. With the ability to predict viscosity of the various compositions of recycled and virgin materials, there are a lot of cost saving opportunities.

